Fasting when pregnant in trimester 1

Can we fast during our 1st trimester of pregnancy?

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Hi... according to islamic rules, it is forbidden to fast when you’re pregnant as it will affect baby’s growth. You can confirm with MUIS or any mosque near your home

alhamdulillah im 10 weeks too! tried fasting bt end up vomiting so decided not to fast.. baby still needs the nutrient at this stage.. listen to ur body..

4y trước

May Allah ease all of our affairs,sis. Aamiin!

Thành viên VIP

I did so for a week. But after i felt pain in my stomach so i stopped. Fast if you can, if u can't then pay back another time.

3y trước

Alhamdulillah 🤲 May Allah bless all of us with a smooth pregnancy & delivery. takecare sis 💕

Alhamdulillah 13 weeks pregnant. Didn't fast as well as i get nauseous and become very hungry every 2 to 3 hours...

I did last year. Alhamdullilah baby ok. as long you know your body well, its ok.

im in my 3rd trimester. so far i break 1 day only.

Thành viên VIP

dont need to fast mummy. dont force yourself

On the MUIS website SG,

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4y trước

Wow ok thank you sis. Ramadhan Kareem 🌼

Thành viên VIP

Better not


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