Can rubella (German measles) harm my baby during pregnancy?

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Unfortunately, rubella (a mild viral illness for adults and children) is harmful to an unborn baby. The risks are highest if a mother get rubella during the early months (during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy) of her pregnancy. Rubella can cause miscarriage, stillbirth or birth defects in unborn babies. Catching the infection during the first few months of pregnancy also means the baby could develop Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), which can result in serious disabilities. The risk is lower if the mother catches the virus in the later stages of her pregnancy. Some (sad) facts on CRS: If a mother is infected in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, nine in 10 babies (90% risk) who catch the infection will develop CRS. Between 11 weeks and 16 weeks the risk drops sharply, and one or two babies (10-20% risk) in every 10 will develop CRS. They are also likely to have fewer disabilities. Between 16 and 20 weeks, CRS is very rare and the main effect seems to be deafness. From 20 weeks onward, there are no reports of any babies who have developed CRS. Some of the effects of CRS can include: - eye problems, such as cataracts (cloudy patches in the eye) - damage to the brain and a very small head (microcephaly) - low growth during pregnancy - heart abnormalities - deafness It can also affect the baby’s lungs, liver and bone marrow. Sometimes, the problems from CRS aren’t obvious straight after the birth, but become apparent when the baby is older. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment effective in preventing CRS. Vaccination is the best way for a mother to prevent getting infected by the virus. It is best to take a blood test to check your immunity if you are trying to get pregnant. For more information:

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