2 Replies

Hi, not sure about amniotic fluid, but as for the head part, I suggest to walk as much as u can! It’ll be easier during birth as well. I didn’t walk much during mine, and when my water broke, baby was still high up. So my labour was longer, and I had to push even harder. My nurse told me to push harder else they will have to csect. But I did manage to do natural. Just that it’s harder I guess. More energy, more effort.

Super Mum

Hi momma, try drinking more water. Hydration is very helpful for upping amniotic fluid levels in women between 37 and 41 weeks of pregnancy. Minimum 3 L water intake.

Ok sure, I was thinking to drink coconut water as well. I will try to intake more water. Is there any faster way to dilate naturally instead of going for induce? I’m worried if the intense pain when it is not dilated naturally. ?

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