Has your child called another person "Mom" or "Dad" other than yourself?
Has your child called another person "Mom" or "Dad" other than yourself?
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Sadly, yes

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Sina Lolo at Lola po niya, Kasi Hindi pa niya kayang bigkasin yung salitang "Mommy" or "Daddy". Alam lang po niya Ma at Pa. dahil iyon Ang tawag namin na mga magulang niya sa mga grandparents Niya, iyon din po natatawag niya sa kanila 😄

yes because my child had to live with my in laws at that time and they didn't let me see her often and they made her think and call my sis in law mom

cousin n law ko Mami tawag ng anak ko.. sa akin mama..sa kapatid ko nanay

Not yet....Hope it doesn't happen.

Super Mom

No for the time being....

mama ko. mommy tawag nia

No way


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