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Week 24 now and people still stare and look at me from head to toe when I'm sitting on reserved seat. There was once I was even asked to give up my seat despite the visible bump! Nobody offer a seat to me so far. So just stand lor. Paiseh to ask also because most of them won't bother.

Yes! Same thing happened to me, well what to expect? They will ignore you pretend to sleep or playing phone 🙄🙄 but if you were to sit at the priority sits they (senior citizen) will stare at you like as if you dont deserve to sit there hahah

Yes! Entering 2nd trimester as well. Some even look at my bump and continue use phone. Maybe cos im also small sized & people thought its tummy fat? Idk... or just ignorant people. Just stand lor.. only once i was given a seat because i was really looking pale.

Lucky my husband send and fetch me to work and home. Actually because hardly people give up their seat even I'm third trimester 😢 that's why my husband have to wake up early just to send me to work. As you know morning crowds, students and office people...

Same! Nobody give up the priority seat even my tummy is so visible. Sometimes they just act sleeping or dont even dare to look at u when u stand infront of them. But sometimes also got kind soul to offer seat eventhou they are not occupying priority seat.

VIP Member

super normal. at 38weeks soon. i still dont get much. i can count the number of ppl actually offered me seats 🤣 they actually look at my bump and act like didnt notice it. but wells, i dont really care much, unless im too tired then I'll ask for it.

Yeah it does. But usually I’m ok lah. If I’m really desperate for a seat, I would take the bus (higher chance to get a seat). Honestly I think we are not entitled to a seat lah, esp with ageing population now. More people in need of seats...

Lolx... yea.. i experience that, no one would give up their seat for me, and a few times i was sitting at the corner seats, some people kept staring at me, probably felt shameful that im stealing the elderly seats.. 😂

It happened to me a couple of times..even when someone gave up the seat to me, another person (young lady) cant wait to sit and others tell her the seat is for me..even 3rd trimester not everyone will give up seat.

Super Mum

So true! Many are Sec school pupils who ignored me after they saw my big tummy at 34 weeks. I was surprised that most people who gave their seats to me are actually those 40+ uncles and aunties!

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