Sharing On Breast Milk Strorage Bag!

Breastmilk storage bag can be quite a bit of money to spend on if you're oversupply mama and it can only be used once. So here's what I've found. I manage to find these storage bag from shopee and bought 1 box to try it out. It is quite good and cheap! Autumnz breastmilk storage bag. I got it from mummy fair at only $5 per box. (they have promo like the more you buy the cheaper it is, if I'm not wrong the cheapest you can get is $4.50 per box) Shopee they do sell at 5 plus if you add shipping it may cost around 6 to 7 buck. On avg 1 storage bag in the market cost about 25 cents for 1. This is only 18 cents for 1. Hope it is useful info :) *updates * Mummy you can get from jb it's 10rm 1 box.

Sharing On Breast Milk Strorage Bag!
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thanks for sharing!