Adults decision

Hello Me and my boyfriend told our respective families and my family suggested that I am to abort due to both of family unable to support both of us and would be the only one taking care of the child. I am 12 weeks in and I feel sad cause I have no choice as I have to abort it. I was told if I give birth not only would I suffer, both my boyfriend and the baby will suffer. Due to lack of support financially. We yet to get married or get a house because it happened all of the sudden. Would there be other solutions that allows me to give birth or would it really be a better choice to really follow what the adults mentioned - abortion?

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honestly financial is just a excuse. if you really want the baby there's will there's way. impossible that you can only give middle income Life to baby but you expect a high income Life. it's just how you see things. if you and your bf willing to work it out you will find a way. FYI 12 weeks baby already form with hand and leg you bear to kill a life like that?

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4y trước

no one can force you do thing you don't want to do. the choice is in your hand.

Hello! I am a single mum too. I chose not to marry my ex boyfriend as he cheated while I was pregnant. My parents were strongly against it but I didn’t want to abort. I had to save every single cent, worked part time while studying, ate 1 meal a day. You can do this! Lmk if you need someone to talk to :)

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Not gonna judge yall. But. The guilt will surely follow u for life, maybe not to the guy but u as a mum, u will remember this. U just give some thoughts about this again. 12weeks is like a chicken wing size. Not small already. If yall gonna try to give birth n although it may be a struggle, im sure yall can pull tru this.

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You can try reaching out to social communities who may be able to assist you financially.

Put up for adoption