This is mine story of a single mom ❤️

Yes I’m a single mom my unborn baby have no dad. Because my ex boyfriend didn’t want he told me, he did not want to be a dad but sometimes I feel bad for my baby with no dad and at first I wanted to give it up for adoption when I give birth but my mom told me this the baby is urs don’t just give it for adoption it also a human, I think about it and with my family’s support I’m 4 months pregnant now! And now I don’t what to give up for adoption I want to take care of my baby myself and make Sure my child have a happy life because my parent have to give me away when I was a baby because my parent are drivore since I was 6 months a baby so my mom give me away to my aunt who is I call mama and of course both ofmy parent visit me still and love me still even give my baby doesn’t have a dad I still have mine bf here to support me and he will be my baby father I can’t wait for my little bun bun to come out next year 💕 #pregnancy

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It’s not easy to be a parent. No matter u are married, divorced or single..your life will change totally.. whatever u will be doing, ur child comes first.. so dont look behind, look infront.. read up alot about parenting and hopefully u have good support all the way! In the meantime, work hard to support your baby financially as well!

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3y trước

Thanks so much what ur speaking is also true even tho I’m a teen mom and a single mom my child will always be first ❤️

Hugs* you can do it :) my bf decided to leave me when I was 6 months pregnant. Even though I'm not in my teens anymore, but I'm sure the feeling is the same. Most important thing is to believe in yourself. Mums are the strongest. The stigma will be there, but that is life, you do what is the best for yourself and baby :)

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3y trước

the father of my child left me. I'm 11 weeks pregnant now and I'm still carrying the pain and stress due to his leaving. 😔I also found out that apart from the 2 little boys that i know are his children. he also has a newly born baby boy. i am so damaged right now. 😭😭😭