both me and my husband are down with minor cough and running nose currently... baby is fully on breastmilk... we are taking care of baby ourself any ways to minimise the risk of spreading the illness to my newborn?
Wear mask, clean hands with hand sanitiser/washing every time you blow your nose or cough. No air con, open windows to air the house as much as possible. Keep breastfeeding so that baby gets antibodies against your infection
Use mask. And always wash ur hands and sanitize ur hands. Maybe you can get a air purifier so that ur baby is not affected.
Hi, please use mask most of the times and also please sanitise your hands as much as possible
Avoid direct contact like kissing the baby..wear mask.
Wear mask.. and not kissing baby
Mask and turn on air purifier
Wear mask when carry LO
Wear a mask
Just try to wear mask