infant care
both my hub and i work in e army.. we need to reach work well before 7. grandparents taking care is out of e question. any suggestions?

I think since both work in the army, i am sure it is easier to tell your superior on this situation and see what can be done. I am not in the army, and work as a chef, I had this situation as well, my wife need to work beyond 7pm and I have different shift pattern however, when we talk to our bosses respectively, they are quite understanding and willing to help us up. Government has always been so supportive on encouraging giving births, since in the army, I am pretty sure they could support and work somethjng on the shift. As not all parents usually will get support from the in laws or parents because of any situation.
Read moreMost ifc starts at 7. But u will need to send ur lo to ifc before 7 if u have to reach ur workplace by 7. Check if there’s any baby care provided by the army first?
I think planning to send your child would be a good option or getting a helper. See what suits better:)
How old is your lo? Not sure if army provides childcare? Otherwise may need look for ifc or engage a helper?
I think nanny will be the best option for you.. Infant care is still closed before 7am.
Nope. Sorry can't help you. Maybe you can try asking for recommendations of nanny here?
One way is maid, and they goes to take care of baby at grandparent house? Safer?
I believe there are infant care available, just that the price might be steep
u wanna look for nanny at which area?
Hire a helper would be a better option
maybe infant care or hire a nanny
Momsy of 2 active son