5 Replies

Did your obgyn comments anything abt it? My understanding is that one with older age or obesity tends to have the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy, and it may lead to pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia, which is a complication in pregnancy. For both of you and baby safety, obgyn will usually prescribed medication (eg: Cardiprin 100mg) to control the blood pressure or as a precaution in preventing pre-eclampsia. I myself had started it when i was week 14 as a precaution due to my age. My blood pressure is normal, but obgyn just advised me to start it as early as possible. As he said, pre-eclampsia tends to kicks in fr 5/6 mths onwards, and it'd be too late to only start medication by that time. Always check with your obgyn. Take care

VIP Member

Hi, try not to eat fast food or processed food. Lessen salt in cooking. Try to go for a 30 minutes walk daily. I am overweight and use to have like 130/90 with 120 heartbeat. Now it constantly at 100/69 or slightly higher ard 116/75

hi. was yr bp high before or after pregnancy. can share more

VIP Member

You may find this article helpful https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323969

Exercise. More salty food. Btw that is not that high

Don’t take caffeine and try not to stress

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