why i cant bond with my baby...

Being a mom was supposed to be the happiest time of my life, or so they said. But for me, it felt like I was living in a foggy dream. From the moment my baby was born, I struggled to feel that magical bond everyone talks about. As I held my little one in my arms, I felt a mix of emotions—overwhelmed, exhausted, and yes, a little scared. But where was that overwhelming rush of love that everyone talked about? Instead, I felt like a stranger in my own body, unsure of how to connect with this tiny human I had brought into the world. Days turned into weeks, and still, the bond I longed for seemed elusive. I went through the motions—feeding, changing diapers, trying to soothe the cries—but it all felt mechanical, devoid of the warmth and connection I craved. I watched other moms effortlessly cuddle and coo with their babies, wondering what I was doing wrong. Was I just not cut out for this motherhood thing? The guilt gnawed at me, adding to the weight of my doubts and insecurities. am i normal??????? please help

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I also struggled to bond with my baby initially. He didn't feel like my baby, but a new stranger in my hse that I am quite terrified of haha. Took me probably 2 months to accept and bond with my baby, and that's also the time when he started smiling and responding, so bonding became easier. Talking and smiling to an unreactive baby is quite hard haha Don't stress yourself over not feeling the bond. The experience is different for everyone, and there are many mothers out there who feel the same as you, so don't feel bad about it. The fact that you're worrying about it means that your baby means a lot to u! At some point, you'll come to feel the love for your baby.

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