
been rlly surprised when my 11 months baby imitates what i do, like clap my hands and do a bye bye wave. do you mummies feel surprise and very happy too when your baby imitate you? xD

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Super Mom

Yes it's super exciting! For the next few months you can expect more and more, I think it's the most exciting time! My 14mo surprises me everyday with new things she learned, recently when I say "one" she will say "doo dee" haha. And when I say "squat" she will squat down also. It's super cute!

The first time she imitated me I was shocked and I did the action again to double confirm. Yes!

I enjoy whenever I discover my kid do something amusing. They're so adorable

Influencer của TAP

Yes so cute. Try saying same word 2 3 time they will follow too

That's how they learn ,:)