ruyi oil for lo

Been resisting the use of this oil on LO's tummy - believed to help with bloatedness, gas, pain etc. Husband is for the idea though. Any mummies using this on your LO? And how old was your LO when you first started using?

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I use it since birth as well.. it did help but I also let him have ridwind as well..

Been used since newborn till now 14mths. Ruyi oil helps alot when his tummy unwell.

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Have been using Ruyi since my lo is born till now. Even myself I oso use that.

Since birth. Just abit and rub on ur hand rest on their tummy will do

I used minyak telon, instead of ruyi oil. i feel ruyi is more heaty.

been using since birth. but for newborn, just use a teeny tiny bit

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Yes, have been using it since he was discharged from hospital.

Yes it's good. Using it since baby is a few months old

Used from day 1, and still using. Baby is 5.5 mo now

Been using it since birth.. good for gassy baby...