handwash baby till baby how old?

Been handwashing baby clothes. When can start using washing machine to wash?

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I handwash till 1 year but i suggest dont stack it up if handwash. Like when you have to shower you can handwash right away so it is not tiring. But if i dont have time, i usually soaked it and put in washing machine in separate laundry bag (if mix with other kids clothes) and use baby detergent.

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I start using washing machine to wash baby clothes when he's 2m old. but still seperate from adult clothes and used baby's laundry detergent

I'm using washing machine since baby turned 4mo. I'm using detergent for newborn clothes and I washed it separately from our clothes.

it depends on individual...we started using washing machine after she turns 1...but her clothes will be washed separately

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Machine washed all my baby clothes. Just wash separately from adult clothes + use baby detergent

I used washing machine from day 1 but we wash baby clothes separately and with baby detergent

sy guna sampai baby umur 1 tahun.pastu sy cari yg blh guna 1 family semua jenis kain blh guna

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I had handwashed my boys baby clothes from when they were wearing 0-3 mths upto 18 mths

I all the way using washing machine 🤔 but I will set temp 20°-30° for baby clothes

After 1 months because nobody help me hand wash the clothes after confinement :)