8 Các câu trả lời

The best Kare Kare I've had was from Serye in Eastwood. It's a bit pricey, but once you taste the food, it'll be worth it. They also have a lot of other amazing Filipino Fare with a modern twist. Definitely a go-to restaurant if you're craving Filipino food. :)

I'm craving for the same thing right now and the best Kare-Kare's I've tried are from Manam and Serye. Both are creamy with the right hint of nuts and bagoong. It depends on your location, but Serye delivers via foodpanda :)

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Max's may be overrated but it sure has a sweet spot for my tummy especially when it comes to their Kare Kare. Plus, it's really easy to locate a branch. Max's Restaurant is almost everywhere. They deliver, too!

YOu can try the one from Cafe Juanita. It's really good and I think it's one of their specialties. They also have delivery services so you can enjoy it on the comforts of your home!

I'd go for Tres but not sure if they have delivery option. I love how creamy and tasty their Kare Kare is. It's perfectly made, in my opinion. You should try it too!

Try cocohut i just tried their kare-kare and its delicious. They are open 24hrs here in Alabang though not sure if they have delivery service...

Manam's is good. It has a thick sauce with rich flavour. They can deliver via foodpanda. I also liked that of Dekada's.

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