2nd child birth within 2 years after c-section
It’s been 1 year and 4 months since my c-section delivery.... I just found out I’m 1 month pregnant... is it going to be alright to deliver my second baby after/within 2 years? ??

check with your gynae ask for a scan to make sure everything is fine. I have a friend who has 2 pregnancy c sec 1yr 5 months apart.
Congrats. If the scar is healing good, then no issue. Can discuss with your gynae on vbac if u are keen.
Congratulations again! Yes it should be fine. Just take your gynae's advise as well on this
If ur scar has healed and recovered well then no issue but best to confirm with gynae.
During my previous pregnancy, my gynea told me 6 months is good enough. BTW congrats!
It's fine but very likely you will need to have a C-section again. Congrats!
Yes it’s prefectly fine! Congratulations 💐
Yes, it’s perfectly fine. Congrats
yes ... congratulations