Natural or C section?
I'm stuck between going for natural or C-section. Pls share your experience. Reasons why I'm considering C-section: 1. I have unexplainable backache since I was a teenager. 2. It's more predictable and my husband can plan to be around during that period. 2. A lot of my friends ended up having to go for emergency c section after prolonged labour. 3. Edd is extremely close to a loved one's death anniversary. Family expressed concern about baby coming out on same date. #advicepls #1stimemom

I can't really say abt natural as I had elective c-sect mainly due to baby's big size (3.8kg and I'm a petite 1.5m mama) and I wasn't dilated at all at 39 wks despite lots of walking, squatting etc. And I didn't regret my decision one bit as it turns out tt my baby's cord was actually coiled ard his neck. Tt cant be captured in ultrasound and if I had continued with the initial plan of natural birth, I wld have still ended up in emergency c-sect which is worse than elective. It was actually a very fast procedure, I hardly feel as though I gave birth. The only thing I hated was the epidural injection (I hate injections in general). But I wld still have to take it even if I deliver naturally as I can't tolerate pain. The csect pain is still tolerable aft birth as I took lots of painkillers. The first walk 24 hrs aft surgery was indeed v hard but u'll get a hang of it. While other moms had to to take the wheelchair upon discharge, I cld alr walk albeit at a slow pace 😅 The csect wound healed well too, almost invisible cz my gynae gave me anti-keloid spray aft the dressing was removed a week later. Each childbirth is unique. Seek your gynae's advice and if u feel best to do c-sect, just go for it. Don't get influenced by what others said abt natural being better. I did feel tt way initially but aft weighing all the things, my hubby and I decided to go for elective csect, upon recommendation frm my gynae too. My gynae was pro-natural but looking at my situation, he advised otherwise and indeed there was a need for csect when we saw tt baby's cord was coiled ard his neck.
Read moreHave you asked your gynae for opinion? He/she should know better whichever option is the best for you, based on your pregnancy's health. I gave birth on Feb. Throughout my pregnancy, I had a lot of scare including the emergency c-sect. Because I had high amniotic fluid, based on gynae's estimation, my baby was big and during the labour, both mine and baby's heart rate was high. I had fever on the day itself due to the preterm leaking of my waterbag hence I had an infection and induced to deliver. Dilation was pretty slow, our heart rate was still high and gynae hoped I don't need to undergo an emergency c-sect since I've had natural deliveries before. I hate to think of the c-sect pain and that it really makes me scared. I started pushing at 8cm dilated. Minutes later, I gave birth to my premature birth. All in all it took me 3 hrs. All my deliveries, only the 4th one took me 12 hrs long. My 1st delivery took me 6 hrs. I prefer natural as the recovery is quick and less pain. BUT, please go ahead with whatever your choice is. There is no right or wrong. Still, ask your gynae for opinion?
Read moreThank you! 🥰
For me i went for natural despite knowing there might be possibility of paying double for both natural and emergency c sec. was also torn between both as i was abit worried abt the pain for natural as well. However, gynae preempt me in wk 32 that if baby remained in breech by wk 35, i might nd to go for csec. That was when i decided if i had to. I would go for it. To me whichever is required i will just go for it. As long as baby is healthy and good. I told my baby, she choose her own way of coming out.
Read moreWah!! 7cm then you took epidural? The contractions were bearable for you? By the time you reach 7cm can still take epidural? I read some horror stories of how the doctor couldn't administer epidural cos baby was coming out alr 😖
Perhaps you can consider induction instead? It still gives you some form of certainty if you are induced on a certain date, though obviously not as certain as c sect. I chose to be induced on my EDD and delivered on my EDD. That gave me time to take a proper shower and settle other miscellaneous stuff before checking into the hospital!
Read moreOh yes a few ppl told me the same advice, to take epidural before bursting water bag 😆will definitely rmb that! Congrats on the smooth delivery! ☺