My bb is coming to 9months old in 1 more week. Still on 1 solid a day at ifc. On weekends if we stay home, ive tried giving 2 solids. By when should bb be on a 3solids per day?

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i am following a weaning book i got from dumex and am still at 2 meals a day currently, bf and dinner and my LO is about 7 months. actually i saw online that you can start 3 meals a day from 6 months onwards, its just the variety and the amount of food that you feed will gradually increase over the months. between 8-11 months, you should consider having a mix in most of the meals that you care giving baby, meaning a carbo (rice/ceareal/porridge) and a fruit/veg/meat in it. my son sleeps very late (sometimes 11pm and still night feeding) so i can't wake us up in time for bf so i am giving lunch and dinner only.

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