Hi all, I just started my boy on solids 4 days ago. He is 6months and 1 week old and breastfed on demand, taking solids baby led weaning style. I offer him some water along with his solids and so far we have tried broccoli and carrot. Should I be worried if he still hasn't pooped since he started solids?

It is common for baby to experience changes in the patterns of their bowel movements when solids are introduced. Some may have more frequent bowel movements, while others (like your baby) may decrease. Here are some signs that you can look out for which may indicate that your baby may be having constipation: - Hard, compact, infrequent stools. - Pain during pooping. One sign would be if your baby cries in pain as she poops, that might mean he/she is constipated. - Streaks of blood in or on the poop. You can refer to this article for more information on how to handle a baby with constipation: http://www.startbabyonsolids.com/baby-solid-foods-reactions/handling-baby-constipation/ In general, you can try including more fiber rich food (prunes/plums and pears seemed to be good for easing constipation). Also, increasing your baby's fluid intake (breast milk, diluted juices or water) may help.
Read moreA slight change in baby's diet would definitely require baby's digestive system to adjust and this is probably why baby has not pooped yet. Don't worry too much about this, once his digestive system has gotten used to the new foods, baby will be pooping as per normal. What you can do is to massage baby's tummy or do "cycling" motions with baby's legs. This will help move things along.
Read moreBreastfed babies digest better and I would not be worried if she has not pooed yet. It's the change in diet that may have altered her pooing schedule. You might want to check for signs of constipation though- like straining, blood in stool, and pellet like stools.
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