7 Replies

It depends on individual babies but my gal is 9mo and I am giving her three meals of solids already. But for dinner and breakfast she doesn't eat a lot. I give her three meals a day also to get her into the practice of having normal meals three times a day together with the family. I read before that by one year old they should have transited to three meals a day. I think you can start already. You may want to give small quantities first and see if your baby is receptive to it. Their stomach size is still small and need to expand slowly. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule of when to start but the PD was ok when I said my gal is on three meals a day. Even my nephew who is coming to 7 months is taking two times solids a day as his PD told my sister in law to try.

i am following a weaning book i got from dumex and am still at 2 meals a day currently, bf and dinner and my LO is about 7 months. actually i saw online that you can start 3 meals a day from 6 months onwards, its just the variety and the amount of food that you feed will gradually increase over the months. between 8-11 months, you should consider having a mix in most of the meals that you care giving baby, meaning a carbo (rice/ceareal/porridge) and a fruit/veg/meat in it. my son sleeps very late (sometimes 11pm and still night feeding) so i can't wake us up in time for bf so i am giving lunch and dinner only.

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My 7 month girl is hving 3 solid now. Grafually i increase. Breakfast cereal. At 1pm she hv a mix veg puree. N lastly 5plus she hv her cereal. N of cozzzx milk is very import

VIP Member

My 7 month dau i m feeding her 3 meals aday. Each meal consist of . Breakfast will be cereal. Lunch will be her Vegetables and fruits puree and lastly dinner will be cereal.

You can start already. My girl is 7 months and she is having breakfast, lunch and dinner. He milk intake also decrease.

U can start now. I've attached a sample meal plan for u. But note every baby is different

Hi Jaslyn, I like ur sample menu... Can u pls share wif me which website u got tat from so I can check out the menus for other age groups