Baby 20 months

My bb is 20 months, however, she still doesn’t utter any ‘mum’, ‘dad’ or anything. Just some bb mumbling. She does react to words and find his doggie when I ask her to etc... is it something to be concerned about? Worried mum

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Super Mom

Honestly I was a bit worried when my first daughter started saying papa and mama at about 23-24 months 😂 But now she can’t stop talking. Lol. And she’s been using big words since 3+ years old.. so don’t worry too much and just keep reading to her. They’ll catch up. And then when they start talking non stop, you’ll wonder why you even worried about it in the first place 😆

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4y trước

Thank u so much! Glad to hear this from u! ☺️

Thành viên VIP

She could be a late developer taking her own time to speak when she is ready but best to have her checked with a specialist to be sure there is no other underlying issue.

4y trước

I pray that all is well. Take care. Stay safe 😷

Thành viên VIP

Quite a concern. Maybe get her assessed if ur worried.

4y trước

Ok.. will do so, thx