worried mum
my 17mth bb gal have only 1 teeth, coming 2nd one... my bb doesnt talk(not even papa mama), my bb cant feed by herself, my bb still dun know how to drink from straw.. should i wait until she able to know how to eat by herself and talk abit before sending to playgroup or just send her to playgroup? #advicepls

Yes expose earlier is better. Easier to adapt. All kids diff age group are in diff class, if ur child will be under playgroup, then his/her class will all the same age. No big kids in playgroup class. No playgroup in big kids class. Yes at first the child will not understand what happening, but overtime it will become a routine that they will be comfortable with. My toddler cried the first wk in childcare, but after that he loves being in school, comes back home and singing non stop n happy now.. learn alot of things too...
Read moreHi , yes I suggest you to sent her early so she can learn alot of new things . My baby don't speak a lot of words , but when he entered school , he could say so many new words . He is a picky eater , but after joining playgroup , he would eat whatever that is served . U try to offer her a straw bottle and you drink from your straw bottle infront of her (show her how to drink) , she will eventually follow u . Don't give uo , offer her everyday . Don't worry too much , your baby will adapt soon .
Read morei suggest sending her to playgroup when she turns 2 yrs old. Alot of big kids there and it will traumatized her cause she doesn't understand whats happening. Every kid is different, so it will all come naturally. My son doesnt start his playgrp until he is 2yrs 6mths and when he went there he cried a couple of days but adjusted well with the kids at his age.
Read morehi mummy, maybe u can try richell cup if baby still cant drink from bottle with straw. the cup allow u to press the cover to push up the water through the straw. it help to teach the kid how to drink. of course it will take awhile for them to learn but just keep trying everyday. every baby learn at their own pace. do keep trying.
Read moremy son is 22 months and just started saying papa mama. its ok! we brought our son to kkh to do all the development checks to make sure there are no concerns on autism. otherwise let the little ones do their own growing :) i just make sure he is happy everyday!
My going 19 months oso can't feed herself. going playgroup next month. I think will be better to send to play group so that she will learn more things
i also worried the food given, she dun eat... as i seen one of the food menu day got cornflakes, i tried giving cornflakes but she dun eat
just send to play group. my baby can't really talk much at 2yo after she go 1 week she came back knowing to speak alot of new words I'm amaze
just sent no need wait to for other milestones. expose her to outside more. who knows she gives you surprise after that
I agree too, send to playgroup and kid will pick up from there, pretty soon able to say papa mama already.
How long is the playgroup session?
Mum of 1princess