Paranoid parents over play school

Hi all, for background story, my wife have been wfh ever since covid strike while me currently under weekly rotation in office (a week at office, a week working from home). And we been taking care of our child for 4 months at home while working ever since. But i guess good things comes to an end eventually. Corporations decide it’s time to fully back into office. Hence, we, as first time parents need to send our child to play school/kindergarten. However, this is the issue is, we basically paranoid in sending our child to someone else. To make it worse, we been reading sad incidents involving poor children at play school. Any tips/helpful advice to ease our paranoia on this matter? #pleasehelp #firstbaby #bantusharing

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Understand the paranoia, especially first time parents and first baby. Perhaps you can survey any daycare that allows parents to have access to their live cctv, if that can help to reduce your worries. It’s gonna be a bit expensive, but surely worthy to invest.