Baby teething

My baby is teething and she’s not her usual cheery and energetic self. She’s irritable, moody and a little feverish too. How long will this last and what do you do to make your LO feel better?

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Some mummies will make some popsicles from breastmilk for their baby to sooth their gums. Some will resort to teething gel like dentinox. The period it may last varies.. Usually once the tooth is out, baby will be back to norm. Hang on, it’s a phase every baby goes through..

Put teethers in the freezer then let them bite. Will soothe their gum a little. It’s v normal for baby to feel irritated. Will take a week or so.

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It's normal, will probably take about a week for her to go back to her usual cheery self. Do give her some water to drink.

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Dentinox.. Put teethers in the fridge.. Its normal parents have to stay calm n comfort the child..

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Teether n teething gel helpful for this phase

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Give them teether. About a week
