Hi, my baby is now 6 months old... i started baby led weaning recently . he seems not interested at any finger food that i prepared for him. He just looked at it and didn't touch it . sometimes he just grabbed and thrown it (not even put into his mouth) but he prefered toy into his mouth. i even showed him how to eat ( i ate the same thing i prepared to him). i also fed him with cereal , fruits in the morning ( he didn't refuse but he just ate it) . does it mean he prefers spoon feeding ? many thanks in advance and have a great day ahead ?

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Firstly, for a 6 mth old child, we must be mindful of finger food that we give. We do not want to overly expose the child to tasty food and then we might run into trouble with fussy eater later on. It could be that your baby is not ready to pick up the unfamiliar food by himself. It might be too early to say that he prefers spoon feeding as he is still young. This stage is more to letting the child goes through semi solid and be interested in eating semi solid food rather than letting him self feed which is at a later stage. Go slow with the little one and he will pick up the idea of self feeding soon.

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