Baby Flipping
My baby flipping when I change her diaper. Eventhough I hold her she is so strong she is able to push and flip. Is all experience the same as me? Sorry first time mom

Yes, same here 😅 so I learnt a few tricks for diaper changing. Before I open up her old diaper, I open the new one and place it under her bum (everything nicely aligned). I peek into the old diaper to see if I’m dealing with pee or poo. If it’s pee, I take out 1 wet wipe and hold it first. If it’s poo, I prepare 4 or 5 in advance and put them on the wet wipe cover. Having a cot mobile for her to play with dangling toys helps her to flip less because she’s distracted, but it’s not a must. Once I’ve prepared everything, I open the diaper, use my left hand to hold up her legs together, then my right hand will quickly wipe. I throw the wipe into the old diaper, slide it out from under her bum, so she’s resting on the clean diaper. Then I throw the old one away and come back to apply diaper rash cream and strap up the new diaper. So all the kicking and flipping doesn’t affect what I need to do.. and the process is much faster:)
Read moreYes, like a monkey! I would give toys to distract and if it gets worse, have to ask for help, esp when changing poo!
Yes normal. Give her something to distract her while you are changing her diaper, like a toy or a sparkly object.
How old is she? My girl flips and roll ard as well. So I change tape to pants diaper. Easier for me to manage.
I started when she is 5 months 🤭 it cost a lot.. try to use tape as much as possible until she knows how to pull open like mine..
Haha sounds like you've for a challenge on your hands! Best is to distract your LO while you do this :)
yesss normal, i get frustated too sometimes hahaha but i give her toys so she get distracted.
Hi... try to distract your baby with toys when you’re changing her diapers
You can give baby some toys to distract them during diapers change .
Yes same. Really like octopus. Busy flipping and grabbing things
Yes. I just kept singing songs or talk to her to distract her.
Mummy of Baby II