Swaddle Or Not?

My baby (currently 3 weeks) always struggle whenever we swaddle him. There was a period when we released his swaddle during the day and he seemed to sleep better. Do you think I should stop swaddling him at night?

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Hi! Every baby is different! Its really hard to say. My lo stopped swaddling at around 6 weeks.. She really hated it! At the beginning she was sleeping well and all is good but after few weeks, I noticed her naps was getting shorter, like 20 mins only without the swaddle.. so I started swaddling her again and it really helped! She started napping for 1 hour plus after that.. used the love to dream swaddle for night and muslin swaddle for naps.. now she's 20 weeks, starting to refuse the swaddle again.. haha.. So I guess nothing is permanent for our babies at this point.. she might not like the swaddle this week, but might like it the next.. so yeah, my point is to just keep trying.

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