Different behavior at home and outside.

My baby behave very differently at home and outside. She is aCtive and loud when at home. And cries more too. However, She is very quiet and well behave when friends and relatives came to visit. Going outside also, she will clench her fist and stay very still when being carried or in stroller. Ha ha... seems so nervous when seeing unfamiliar things. Jus curious, any mummies also observe this behavior.. please share. =)

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My 10 weeks old baby is the same. At home, moody and fusses sometimes but going out, she's a completely different person! She loves looking at the surroundings with eyes wide open 👀 As soon as we head home, she starts crying and loudly in the elevator itself. In fact, some outsider might think we've kidnapped this baby, based on her cry 😂 I wonder how does she know that we're going back.

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Sounds like my 3mo daughter! I see it as her being inquisitive and she wants to observe others or her new environment. Almost always in her best behaviour in the presence of others. So often I hear others commenting that she's so well-behaved (but they don't see the meltdowns haha). She's also a lot more chatty and loud with her crying when she's just with my husband and I.

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Yes my baby is 7months yet he behaves like that...that is normal. They get easy when inside the home showing their behaviour and when outside the house very kuai kuai...sometimes very funny to see them very quiet outside. :)

My 2-month babygirl is the same! Quiet or cries when at home but will clench her fist and remain very still in the stroller, as though she’s afraid of new surroundings.

i hope that is kid's nature. because i also having same kind of son. he is very silence at home. but i can not control him out side

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yes my baby too!