3 Replies

Sapna, the reason babies have loose motions while teething is because they feel a lot of discomfort in their gums, and to ease that, they start putting everything in their mouth and biting on it. i would suggest that as Debolina said, give him chilled carrot sticks to chew on. the cold carrot will help to bring down the inflammation in the gums, which is the reason for the pain. also, your baby may not be eating well because of so much discomfort, so give him foods that are a little soft and semi-liquid, and give in small amounts so that he does not get very cranky. keep massaging.

i can understand his pain dear...and yours too.. please start massaging his gums. wrap a soft cloth on your little finger and use it to massage the gums. do this throughout the day, this will help to reduce swelling and pain. also give him chilled carrot sticks so that he can chew on them and relive the discomfort.

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