
Baby is 7 months now. And he doesn't like to eat. Tried apple n pear puree. He doesn't take it. Sweet potato also nope. Carrots he eats abit. Wad else do u think baby will like? Can I try yogurt? Is it safe? Pls advice mummies

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Hi , are u buying from store or homemade ? If homemade , make sure its really blended (pureed) . I mean dun leave any chunk tat might be difficult to swallow . U can try potato puree ? Or pumpkin . U may also try fresh avocado or bananas . U can stick to just 1 flavor for 3 days (if your baby eats them) , and then go on to a next flavor . Don't give up okay . Some babies just dun get used to eating . My advice is , sit next to him or perhaps in front of his baby high chair and eat together with him . At this age (7 months) my baby eat only once a day . Choose a time when he is not sleepy . Later at 8 months , u can gradually increase to 2 times a day . Depends on his appetite .

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Thành viên VIP

Try porridge and adding lots of flavours to it. For me i usually add in 1 protein: fish/chicken, chicken stock if its chicken porridge, ikan bilis powder if fish porridge, can mix with potatoes/carrots/brocolli/pumpkin/corn etc depending on what veg you have introduced. My baby loves it

Trial and error. My baby refuses store bought puree. But if we made him fresh one, he will eat it clean! You can try some cereal/porridge. Or smash some pumpkin? How about soft fruits like banana or avocados?

When my baby 7months i try gave him mashed potato wix with fruit . At first he also doesn't want to ate . But i try to encourage him everyday . At last he eat and that his favorite food 😂

Try baby cereal? Mix with breast milk/ fm so there's still that familiar taste. When i make puree for my girl i also add breast milk.

Thành viên VIP

This is the time for trial and errors...some are easy hits...some not so easy. Have patience mummy...this phase too shall pass 😁

Thành viên VIP

Try porridge mix with pumpkin puree? Mine loves it so much and he ate quite a lot 😂

Super Mom

Watery porridge with ikan bilis powder and sweet potatoes

Thành viên VIP

hmm..how abt oats cereal? Maybe you can try it

Super Mom

Porridge? You can add fish inside or pumpkin