Baby, 7 months, fell from the bed, knee height and I wasn't around to witness it. There was blood all over and GP took a look at his mouth and told me he had a cut on his labial frenulum (part connecting the gum and the lip in his upper mouth) Went to the hospital and got it stitched up. He was crying very badly today and he has never cried so hard before. After we got back I realised he had a minor bad goose egg on his forehead. He was also very whiny and needed me around. No longer adventurous. Previously he's very fearless in his exploring. 1. Will his behavior be back to normal? Pains me to see he's overly cautious and not so happy yet. 2. His upper gums has become blue black, will anything happen to his mouth/teeth/gum? 3. Accident happened in the early afternoon and he is sleeping now. Should I be monitoring through the night? 4. Anything I can do with regards to the bad goose egg? I rubbed with a boiled egg already.

I'm sorry this happened to your baby:( It is great that you have brought your baby to the doctor to be checked out and I hope he gets well soon.My thoughts on the fall are indicated below, according to your worries: 1. Will his behaviour be back to normal? Pains me to see he's overly cautious and not so happy yet. -- Your baby is probably still a bit shaken up from the ordeal but babies are generally extremely resilient. Give it a few days and keep monitoring baby, I am sure he will be back to his fearless explorer ways soon. 2. His upper gums has become blue black, will anything happen to his mouth/teeth/gum? -- The blue-black is probably due to bruising and I reckon that's normal. My one-year-old cousin once smacked her mouth on the top of a chair when she slipped and her gums did bleed for a while but it stopped in a few minutes. Her gums were all bruised black and blue but none of her teeth were chipped or loose and she ate normally. Everything went away in a week. If you are worried, you can go to the dentist to have it checked out. 3. Accident happened in the early afternoon and he is sleeping now. Should I be monitoring through the night? -- If a head injury occurs near night or nap time in an already tired child, you may be unsure if the drowsiness is due to the injury or whether it’s just time for sleep to naturally overtake the child. Let baby fall asleep but do a check on baby every 2 hours and look out for any 1) changes in baby's colour, 2) any change in breathing, if it is irregular or baby is gasping and 3) if baby exhibit any strange twitching. 4. Anything I can do with regards to the bad goose egg? I rubbed with a boiled egg already. -- A goose egg might look scary but most of the time it is okay. It means that there is swelling there, but it is on the outside of the skull, not on the inside, which can be much more dangerous. I'd suggest you use a cold compress on it for five minutes each hour. I usually use a bag of frozen peas or frozen vegetables when I have bumps and they work just fine as well. Hope this helps!
Read moreSo sad to hear about this, mummy :( Want to share that my baby also experienced falling from bed, of same height mentioned and also got head bumps. This was when me, my mom and my partner are having breakfast together while baby is still asleep. We were all busy chitchatting when we realised that baby is already awake when she made a very loud cry upon falling - picked her up on the floor. My heart skipped that moment! All of us panicked as she almost looked purple because of the pain, not to mentioned I cried too bec of guilt. My mother, blamed me for what happened but at the end of the day she just realised that best way is to really not leave baby at all in bed whether asleep or awake. In short, we take turns in looking after baby when mom needs to do other things when my baby feels like lying on the bed - to be sure that she won't fall. With the head bump - yes agreed that you can put a bag of ice wrap in cloth and gently press it against the affected area so it will heal sooner - by doing it 3-4 times a day. Stay at his side every minute that you can cause it will surely help him recover. Will pray that your baby will get well very very soon. I can imagine how you're feeling now - like what mums do, if only we can claim the pain and let them be free from any kind of it. It's normal that your baby was terrified bec of this bec it's a seriously painful event. He'll be better soon, promise! Huuuugs!!
Read moreOh am so sorry to hear about this. Hope your baby is feeling better now - hugs! 1. Give him some time - he just went through something traumatic for his tender age. He will certainly get back to his usual behaviour, so not to worry, For now, give the little boy extra TLC and let him gain back his confidence at his own pace. It will happen! 2. I think the blue-black is just due to bruising, Best to keep a close eye on it, if it subsides, great. If not, go to the dentist or doctor, and get it checked for assurance. 3. Yes, do keep checking on him at night. Things to look out for could range from him having a fever, changes in baby's colour, and check if he is doing just anything abnormal. Don't work yourself up over this, but yes advisable to check since it's so fresh. 4. Apply an ice pack to the injured area. Be careful to cover the pack with cloth to avoid cold injury (frostbite) to the skin. A bag of frozen peas should work well too. Hope this helps and that he bounces back to his usual self soon! And do try to get some rest too, mummy!
Read moreOh dear poor baby! So sorry to hear that this happened. It must have been hard for you mummy as well. 1. I think your baby must have gotten a huge shock and obviously is still feeling sore and pain in his mouth. I think its normal for him to be more clingy and less playful for now but I somehow think its just temporary. I'm pretty sure he will slowly resume normal activity once he feels better. 2. I think this something you need to monitor and see if the bruise subsides. Stitching was done and that is probably one of the reason for the bruising as well. Just monitor and speak to the doc during his review if you are concerned. 3. If I was you, yes i would monitor him through the night. Just keep a lookout for anything unusual. 4. Zambuk works marvelously on bumps. :) I hope he gets better soon and take care mummy!
Read moreGosh! I'm so sorry to hear that.. sounded painful! Just want to add on to what the rest have mentioned, don't be too worry about your baby being a little wary and cautious for the moment. It's all part and parcel of learning and growing up. I'm sure if he had been adventurous, this incident will not drastically change his behaviour. Also, bruising will be expected for the next couple of weeks (all part of the healing process) and if you notice anything unusual, just ring up your doctor for a peace of mind. Since he still able to sleep and get some rest, I would think it's alright. In the meantime, give him more cuddles, kisses and assurance to help him recover and he will return a stronger and braver little man! :) Take care of yourself too. *hugz*
Read more@Ruby: thanks for your reply, unfortunately I do not have any help in the daytime and yes he was sleeping when I left him. Was taking a dump and texting my hubs when I heard his piercing cry. Ran to him and there was blood all over. Was with him throughout the day today. I just hope that his swellings will go down soon so that he wouldn't look so puffy cause it reminded me of the accident. He definitely had some difficulty putting things in his mouth today. Hope he will be the cheerful baby I once know again. Thanks everyone for making me feel better, I honestly don't think I deserve it.
Read moreThanks guys! Its been 24 hours since the accident happened. I'm really touched by the responses and assurance. Baby is active and seems normal. Still not 100% active but better than yesterday! Once again thank you guys!
Read moreJust wanna say thank u people. The assurance is really comforting and I really hope he will be back to his cheerful self again.