4 Replies

Super Mum

Personally I feel the thigh is less painful than the buttock. And it’s also easier to hold baby for the thigh injection. If I had to choose between your options, 1) is probably better because you can hold baby down better, and there won’t be sudden jerks during the injection. Honestly, baby also only feels the pain for 1-2 seconds. The alcohol swab they use to clean the area is cooling, and that definitely helps. Hugging (plus talking/singing to) your little one after the injection is usually adequate to make baby smile again:) don’t worry so much. Babies are braver than we think!

Super Mum

All of my baby's vaccination were done on her thighs. We just sit her up on our lap, hold her still and the nurse gives the injection. The pain would only be during the administration like how we experienced also...well my baby screamed when the needle goes in that's all. We did our vaccination at polyclinic

VIP Member

I always distract baby with his favorite toys and nursery rhymes on handphone. It works very well, only a shout and thats it. After reach home, I apply Vicks vapor on the injection site and massage the surrounding area gently.


I think thigh. Cos my LO only cried for less than a minute when inject there

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