Baby poop

Hi my baby is 6 days old today. Started off with formula milk when she was born and now shes taking more expressed breast milk, more than 50% breast milk compared to formula. Her poop today suddenly become really watery and yellow. 4 times today already. Can someone enlighten me??

Baby poop
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Hello! Completely normal as long as it is mustard yellow :) texture can even be a bit chunky / stringy / beady. I exclusively pumped and then now completely on formula for my 2 month old. In the first month or so, my baby pooped after every feed (10-12 times in a day). Sometimes even twice during a wake window, as we change a soiled diaper before feeding > he poops while feeding > have to change after. Most I've gone through is 18 diapers in a day! This is because breastmilk is a lot more digestible than formula, so babies expel faster. It gets a bit less frequent after the first month as baby's gastrocolic reflex goes away. Remember to change the diapers frequently so as to prevent rashes and uphold baby's hygiene :)

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7mo trước

Ya! Haha no choice because my LO is particular and he stops feeding the moment he feels the poop 🤣 but also I've never had to deal with diaper rash as we change him frequently 🙏 Much better now in the second month, going through 7-8 in a day usually 😮‍💨

I heard from my confinement nanny tt babies on bm poop very often, and is yellow and kaya basically. I rmb when my kid was under 1 month, he pooped over 12 times a day, which was ridiculous. Basically after every feed, he'll poop. But that tapered off eventually even though he was still on bm. So your baby's poop sounds normal

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Breastmilk easily digest than formula which is why expect lots of wet diapers a day. Yellow colour is normal. Watery is also normal for NB.

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norm for babies on bm than fm

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