Baby 34 Weeks, Weight around 3KG
Baby 34 Weeks, Weight around 3KG, Gynae Said baby too big, any Low Carbo Meal Recommend?

You may consider: - no drinks other than plain water - no desserts - no fried/oily food/curry (9kcal per 1g of fat) - eat normal portions of your 3 meals (you still need to feed baby), but eat for one person and not 2. - avoid snacks if possible. If you need to, eat something like an apple Take care:)
Read moreWhen I'm 28 week my est baby weight was 3kg too. Gynae ask me to cut down i didnt control i just eat and also i am always hungry. At 36 weeks i give birth 1 week before eta baby weight was 4kg but came out 3.2kg. Ny advice is just eat whatever you want dont restrict.
Eat small meals frequently. Go for brown rice instead of white rice, eat more oats which is high in fibre and will make you full, eat more proteins such as meat and tofu instead of carbo, cut down on food which is high in sugar.
Same as mine . For me , I'll avoid any sugary drinks and take a smaller portion for lunch and dinner . I took half portion of brown rice or bee hoon . Gave birth naturally , 3.8kg baby boy .
Its okay. I have friends with bigger babies. As long as baby is healthy. It doesnt matter. There are mum who have bb out at over 4kg too. End of the day, baby healthy thats all that matters 😊
Yes 3kg for 34 weeks is considered big. It’ll be hard for you to push (if you’re having a normal delivery) Just eat in small portions but frequent.
It’s ok My bb is big too