Bonding with newborn

My baby is 3 wks old now, during the day grandma will do most of the feeding while i will takecare of my baby at night. Somehow i am worried that my baby is bonded with grandma because when i call for her she doesnt interact as much with me. Am i thinking too much? :( i want my baby to stick to me. ;/ #mommy #firstchild #bonding

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hello dearest I went thru the exact same thing as you and I can honestly tell you I cried daily thinking that my baby doesn’t love me or he wouldn’t recognise me. ( I’m a young ftm… when my darling Js born I didn’t really get to do a lot my aunt did most of the things for me because she’s worried) are you breastfeeding? Would recommend you to breastfeed as it really helps you bond w baby!! And I would say don’t worry too much about it laa baby still small. And I strongly believe that babies recognises their MOTHER scent…. (Tested & proven) At first I also want baby to stick to me But now hello I can’t even go toilet Fella on my Chest as I’m typing HHAHAHAH it’s adorable that he’s sticking to me but now my arms my body really very sore so becareful what you wish for! Aghahaha hope it helps

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5mo trước

My supply is low, so im doing combination feeding. Idk abt the scent tho everybody tells me that as well. But my baby seems to wanna latch on everyone, so idk if she could make sense of the right scent anot? She is going to be 1 month old soon. But idk why she kept crying when i try to soothe her now. Is she having confusion with too many caregiver?