36weeks small baby

Hi, my baby is 2.35kg now at 36 weeks which the gynae mentioned is a small baby and will have to induce if there is not much improvement in the next appt in 2 weeks. Anyone else had a similar experience? Pretty worried.

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I don’t think it is right for other mums out there to tell this fellow mum not to worry. Whole pregnancy was healthy and going well. My baby was 2.3kg at 36weeks checkup. Gynae and everyone kept telling me not to worry. At 37weeks I was in labour went to hospital and baby heart already stop beating. Baby came out only 1.7kg with undetected IUGR. So it goes both ways baby weight in womb not accurate but your baby can come out within perfectly healthy range or dangerously low birth weight. I am not trying to scare you nor saying this will happen to you but this is my personal experience. If IUGR baby needs to come out ASAP, as early as 34 weeks (this is a second opinion I got from another gynae after my baby died). At 36weeks your baby is fully developed. I don’t see any harm bringing your kid into the world early where drs can intervene and administer medical help is required. Meantime, pls monitor detail movements closely and trust your instincts!!

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3y trước

I am very sorry for your loss. Appreciate both your views. Thank You. Will take note and I do track fetal movements. So far, fluid level is good and heartrate is normal.

Oh don't worry! Baby's weight in the womb is not accurate, it's just an estimation. At 32 weeks I was told that my baby was big and I may need to deliver via c-sect. I had a high amniotic fluid so gynae predicted I'll give birth preterm which did happened when my waterbag leaked. My baby was born at 35w6d at 2.79kg via normal delivery (induced, membrane sweeped & c-sect scare). Not a big baby afterall.

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3y trước

got it, Thank You so much for sharing!

i must say the indicative weight through ultrasound very much depends on your gynae's skills and their machines. I went for a 2nd opinion and the the measurement was way different, 4kg vs 3.4kg. I went with my original gynae and she was right, baby was born at 3.97kg. I would suggest seeking a second opinion

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Super Mom

Hey Mama, Had a similar experience. Baby was only about 2.1kg at 35 weeks. Doctor was planning to induce at 37 weeks but my baby had other plans. My water bag broke at 36+weeks 😅. Baby’s umbilical cord was knotted which explained the low weight. But he’s grown well ever since!

4y trước

Thank You so much ♡

Hi! Thank You for all your input. :) I had a followup and we are at 2.7kg now. We will check in again next week and see how it goes. if the weight gain is adequate then we may be able to wait it out instead of inducing the baby.

Thành viên VIP

Don’t worry. I got induced at week 40 and gynae measure my baby weight was about 3-3.2kg. Turn out my baby was only 2.7kg at birth. The weight is just an indicative. After birth, baby will start to gain weight gradually.

3y trước

Thank you ♡

Influencer của TAP

don’t worry mummy! my girl was at 2.5 (plus minus 300g) at week 36 and her weight never increase, hence we brought her out at week 38 and she was 2.79kg.

4y trước

Thank You so much for the reassurance ♡

don't worry... may try avocado, soyabean, egg everyday... i was 2.5kg at 37 weeks... end up born with 3.06kg

3y trước

Thank You! been high on the Avocado and eggs quite abit.

Just gave birth last week, baby’s estimated weight was spot on during delivery at 3.3kg!

3y trước


Dont worry but you can try taking avocado milk shake to fatten up ur little one.

3y trước

Thank You! will try!