Baby not sleeping through..

My baby is 10 months yet still cry for milk. Anyone know why? She sleep at 830/9pm, her last milk at 11am. Then she wake up at 2am and 4am to drink another 150 each. She seems to be really hungry, and I thinking if I shld feed her shi Shen fen before she go to bed?

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Hi. 10 months old should have abt 240ml of milk about 5 times a day with solid food 3 meals a day and snacks (optional) if baby is still hungry. So technically every 3 hours, the baby needs to eat or drink.

Influencer của TAP

Hi mummy not all baby sleep thru the night. My baby is 1yo she still wake up at least twice for milk. Will suggest you add cereal into milk if you wanna make baby fuller.

4y trước

Any recommended brand?