Baby Don't Poo Much In A Day
Hi all My baby is 1 week old but we realised that he is not pooing much.. Maybe once a day or nothing at all. He is on formulae milk. Should we change the formulae milk? Or is it normal?

Formula-fed babies usually have pasty-like stools which may be a little hard to pass, but again, are not true constipation. As long as your baby is eating and happy, they are good. Eventually, they will poop.
Hi... it is normal for baby not to poop multiple times a day. Breastfeed baby can don’t poop up to 14 days. However if you’re worried, please bring your child to see a doctor
Sometimes it could be the formula milk but best to consult e pd
Better consult PD. Maybe PD will prescribe probiotics for baby.
Consult PD. But formula fed baby won’t be pooping Everyday.
Consult ur pd ?
Consult pd