Baby first food

Is avocado better to start with baby's 1st food than cereal? I read that rice cereal contains arsenic, hence oat cereal is better to give baby. And do you guys stay with 3 day rule before introducing new food? I read that new studies says not a need for 3 day rule since allergy happens within 2 hours of eating an allergic food? And how do i go about introducing new food daily? By how many teaspoon and how many times a day? Care to share your experiences? Thanks! #FTM #advicepls #firstmom #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #baby

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avocado is a good choice, depends on what you are comfortable with. no need to follow to many rules or studies.. if baby likes it, can continue. if not, try something else. follow baby’s cues. do explore fruits and vegetables, it should be a fun experience for you too watching baby learn to eat. try introducing when you know baby is awake and will likely be hungry - lunch time is good. just once a day first, give as much as baby wants, in small teaspoonfuls until he shows signs of fullness.

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1y trước

do u all follow 3 day rule and also do u give baby rice cereal

you may mixed cereal with fruits/food like 🍌🥑🥦🥕🥔🎃 I didn't follow 3 days' rule. I offered different fruit every feed. portion wise, as long as your baby can still eat, don't limit to 1-2spoon, let baby try and enjoy. you may also let baby hold food like banana themselves. It's good for their fine motor skill development. if you not comfortable feeding cereal, you may try porridge, pasta too.

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You basically feed the same food for 3 days straight to see if they have allergies a not. Then after 3 days no allergies u can intro another food. One to two teaspoon a day. Once a day. Enjoy

hello!? I gave my baby rice cereal and she is doing great! what do you mean by arsenic in rice cereal?🤭 where did you get your source of info from?

1y trước

wow that means my twin babies quite strong. they have been taking rice cereal everyday and love it

wow that means my twin babies quite strong. she has been feeding on rice cereal everyday

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avocado sounds great as s start!

1y trước

do u all follow 3 day rule and also do u give baby rice cereal?