6 Replies

Your baby can start swimming in baby swimming class as early as after birth. The chlorine in the water helps to kill off bacteria and most baby swimming class will warm their baby pool to about 32 degrees for baby. You can even set up your own baby pool at home with inflatable tub. However, if you are looking to bring your baby to normal public swimming pool, it will be better to do that after your baby reaches 6 months. This is because public pool may be too cold for your young infant. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x542046/how-soon-can-i-take-my-new-baby-swimming

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The temperature of the water in public pools is pretty cold, so I wouldn't advise you to bring your child there until he is at least 6 months old. If you're worried, why not let your baby swim in the comfort of your own home? Even 1 month olds can start swimming. I purchased an inflatable tub and let my baby swim inside with a neck float. It's cheaper than sending her to the baby spa.

I try not to expose her to chlorine for the first year of her life. We swim with a swimming class that helps to teach babies to enjoy the water and also survival skills. The pool is indoor, heated and chlorine free. Just what I needed.

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Do you have salt pool in your area? My friends take their children to salt swimming pool.
