How to plan to avoid emergency c sec?

Assuming of cos the baby is in right position, no underlying issues and doctor gives go ahead for natural birth. Oh I’ve low pain tolerance 🥲 and possibly want to choose date of birth I do not want a planned c sec before week 39. So I’ve to lean towards a natural birth. There might be a few scenarios 1. Natural baby comes before week 39 2. Induce, natural or Plan c sec after week 39 before week 40 3. Induce, natural? Plan c sec after week 40 ?? I like option 3 😂 Can you share your experiences on why you needed e c sec even tho doc cleared for natural birth? And at what week? Is it true that once baby poops inside it is confirmed e c sec? Once water bag breaks, can still do c sec?

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For me, I wanted to go natural and my gynae is known to be pro natural too. Baby was good weight and in the correct position all along. We waited till 40+2 for the contractions to start but ended up with emergency C-section.. I too have low pain tolerance and took epidural at 1cm dilation hahaha Everything was rather smooth, other than the 3 events: 1. when I changed sides when I was lying down, baby’s heartbeat suddenly dropped, everyone was anxious but luckily it slowly went back normal after I return to my initial position. (Was thinking if this links to point 3) 2. Dilation was too slow. 7hrs after admission, I only dilated from 1cm to 1.5cm. Gynae broke my water bag and realize baby pooped inside and the amniotic fluid was blackish (my husband saw) Had to go for e csect in case baby suck the amniotic fluid in and have an infection. In the end, she did suck in some and had to wash her stomach 🥺 3. After the csect, my gynae said her umbilical cord was stuck above her ear, which is worse than the neck.. if it’s at the neck, at least there is space for the umbilical cord to be there.. We can plan and hope the way they arrive, but baby will have their own plans. Just rmb to be opened and as long as mummy and baby is safe and healthy, everything else doesn’t matter! All the best!! ❤️

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7mo trước

Oh yes, it’s possible to have csect after the water bag breaks! Mine was broken by my gynae. Heard of some stories for planned csect at week 39 (because they already did csect for their #1) but water suddenly broke at Week 37. Went ahead with csect too!