How to plan to avoid emergency c sec?

Assuming of cos the baby is in right position, no underlying issues and doctor gives go ahead for natural birth. Oh I’ve low pain tolerance 🥲 and possibly want to choose date of birth I do not want a planned c sec before week 39. So I’ve to lean towards a natural birth. There might be a few scenarios 1. Natural baby comes before week 39 2. Induce, natural or Plan c sec after week 39 before week 40 3. Induce, natural? Plan c sec after week 40 ?? I like option 3 😂 Can you share your experiences on why you needed e c sec even tho doc cleared for natural birth? And at what week? Is it true that once baby poops inside it is confirmed e c sec? Once water bag breaks, can still do c sec?

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Hey there, regardless of how ‘painless’ or smooth going a c-section may be, do still bear in mind that it is a major abdominal surgery that cuts through 7 layers of tissue to get to your baby. It is a lot for the body to undergo so recovery will take longer and you’ll need to take care of your scar tissue well to make sure you heal properly without any chronic pain or tightness in the area. Your body is intelligent and baby will come out when ready. Remember that 40 weeks is just an estimation not an expiry date!! And it is true that chemical induction will produce stronger contractions. So do talk to your doctor to see what’s the best recommendation without undergoing unnecessary interventions. Whatever you choose, make sure it is an informed decision and all will be fine! All the best :)

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