How to plan to avoid emergency c sec?

Assuming of cos the baby is in right position, no underlying issues and doctor gives go ahead for natural birth. Oh I’ve low pain tolerance 🥲 and possibly want to choose date of birth I do not want a planned c sec before week 39. So I’ve to lean towards a natural birth. There might be a few scenarios 1. Natural baby comes before week 39 2. Induce, natural or Plan c sec after week 39 before week 40 3. Induce, natural? Plan c sec after week 40 ?? I like option 3 😂 Can you share your experiences on why you needed e c sec even tho doc cleared for natural birth? And at what week? Is it true that once baby poops inside it is confirmed e c sec? Once water bag breaks, can still do c sec?

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Not to scare you but induce is the worst nightmare ever which i hope nobody have to go thru. The cervix check itself is already painful, to add on theyll need to insert the pill way inside your vagina, which to me is painful. If doesnt work or no dilation for 24hr, youll need to be induced again. For me baby is in good position, good weight, no complication etc all good for natural. Bb still didnt want to come out and no dilation at my 38 weeks so gynae told me to choose a date to induce. So i chose on my edd in hoping bb wants to come out before edd. But nope. And after 3 induction, still no progress, has to doe emergency csect. After 3 days of induction/labor/painful contraction. And yes induce is very very painful cause it forces contraction😭😭 my first birth is my most traumatic. Even after 7 weeks im still in pain and i still cannot accept i had to do ecsect Emergency csec can happen for alot of reason. Poor progress, no dilation, Baby in distress even if youre 10cm, baby poop inside, baby heartbeat drop, baby cannot comeout even if 10cm etc.

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