19 Replies

doc, should I force my child to try new foods, or is it better to let them eat what they like? I'm always confused with these suggestions... But i don't want to cause any trauma to my kid. He's 2 yo now, only eat eggs and rice. sometimes with pasta. Never a big fan of any other source of protein 🥲🥲🥲🥲

everytime my son (22 mo) has finiehsed eating, he always refuses to drink water. Even though he eats very dry/ crispy food like fried chicken, anything fried, or crackers. I also notice he doesn't really like water activities like swimming. Are these all related? How can I encourage better hydration?

How do I handle mealtime tantrums when my child refuses to eat...? This has got me going craaaaazy... Every meal time feels like a battle. Most of the time our moods (mine and my daughter's) would be ruined.

why is it... my kid (20 months) only wants to eat fish --- deep fried fish. crispy skin. ALWAYS refuse meat, chicken, any other protein but fish. sometimes egg... I'm so frustrated

Sooo frustrated in this toddler era... but apparently it's a universal problem 😀😀😀 How do I balance nutrition when my child only eats a few specific foods?

Is it normal for kids to have a phase where they eat a lot one day and barely anything the next? How do I make sure they’re getting enough nutrition?

My toddler refuses to eat anything except plain rice and biscuits... How can I slowly introduce more variety without a battle at every mealtime?

Doc, how much milk is too much? My toddler loves milk, but I worry it’s stopping them from eating proper meals. My kid is 23 months old

I’ve tried making veggies fun—cute shapes, hidden in sauces—but my child still rejects them. Any other tricks that actually work?

doc, I always hear that kids need to “eat what’s served,” but what if they don’t eat at all? Do I just let them go hungry?

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