Aside from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, what are easy and fun action songs to teach a 9-month-old?

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I would recommend the below few:- Wheels On The Bus Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Baa Baa Black Sheep Head Shoulders Knees and Toes If You’re Happy And You Know It Five Little Ducks Finger Family Ringa Ringa Roses I always sing to my kids even till now.

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If you're happy and you know it! :) My baby perfectly mimics the actions after she memorised it. Now, even if you don't play the video to her, long as you can sing the whole thing, she'll dance all the way!

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Row, Row, Row Your Boat! At this age, the baby should be able to sit down well without support. You can play with your baby by simply holding hands and rowing action while singing the song.

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London Bridge is Falling Down! I love this one because I can take the baby's hands and mimic the movement of the bridge falling down. Whenever I do this, it always makes babies laugh :)

*head, shoulder, knees and toes *one little finger - coz its fun and she can learn his/her body parts *if you're happy and you know it *i love my teddy bear * Aramsamsam

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Baa Baa Black sheep! Here is a fun mix I found, haha...:D

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The wheels on the bus! Their hands can mimic the actions of the bus rotating

Baa baa black sheep, london bridge is fallen down, if you happy and you know it song...