Why must there be sarcastic rude people on this app

This app is for everyone to ask questions on their concerns, their doubts, to gain more knowledge, or want advises. Thats why they ask, thats why they post it here. Because we dont know and we want to know. Other than asking the doctors or gynae, we also want to know experiences from others that have went thru the same. Be it first time mum, pregnant ladies, non pregnant ladies, dads etc. we are all still learning, not everyone knows what you know. But i dont get why some people are so rude, petty, sarcastic when replying. Replying like “you dont know meh” “how come you dont know” “you should know” “how is that even a question” “relax lah” etc etc replies of those tones. If you have nothing nice to say or advises, better keep your fingers off this app. I post alot of questions here, as i want to know more from experienced mums or pregnant ladies. But i notice that quite a few will always reply very sarcastic. Why is it so hard for you to be nice ? Pls dont bash. Sincerely, First time mum.

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I’ve also received very sarcastic remarks from ppl on this app. Just don’t let them bother you.