8 Replies

I used body cleanser on my baby but he got reaction on skin after a month. So, I never used it again. His skin never reacted with many different brands that I tried for him before I settled for one. Though I liked it's smell but can't use it. I think you will need to test and try as it all depends on how different skin reacts for product. As all above comments say they are happily using it. But unfortunately mine was not so happy experience.

Using laundry Detergent, bath wash, lotion and powder. All good. Lotion is really really good. Personally find it better than those big expensive brand.

I am using Bzu Bzu detergent and it is good. No allergies to my baby from the clothes washed by this detergent

Yes! I use their baby wash, laundry detergent & also wet wipes :) all good.

I used for baby bath and hair. No allergies and smell good 🤣


my kidz hv no issue with it 💕

I like their washing foam

yes it’s not bad

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