Hi, can anyone tell if this is a positive sign for pregnancy.

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Super Mom

Looks positive to me! My first test was also like that.. I took the test the following day again and the line got darker :)

Same happened to me also,very thin line after 30 minutes like this.now am 13 weeks pregnant, all the best

Thành viên VIP

Yes! It's faint because you are still in your early stage of pregnancy! Do see a doctor to confirm!

8y trước

sorry to hear that. please take care of urself

Thành viên VIP

Yes! It will become darker after a week or two when u test again

Mine was like that too when i had my girl, congrats 🙂

Super Mom

I consider this not a faint line at all! 😏

Thành viên VIP

Yes! But best to consult a doctor congrats!

Yup most likely it's a positive! Congrats!

Super Mom

Definitely positive! Congratulations!

Super Mom

Faint line best to consult a gynae