Positive pregnancy test?

Any experienced mommies can advise if this is a positive pregnancy test?

Positive pregnancy test?
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Yes! When did you test it? Try testing it after 3 days of missed period, it should be darker.

1y trước

Oh! I tested one day before my menses due and got a faint line. It became much darker after 3 days. So I suggest that u wait a few more days or u can buy the digital clear blue which is v accurate!

Whats the test kit laid flat for 10 mins. I think its better to buy clearblue to be confirm

Yes. As long as there is a visible second line ◡̈

1y trước

I think I did but I cant really recall. Maybe I’ll test again in a couple of days!

test it again in two days.. 🤗

1y trước

don't read too much on google 😂 it will make u think too much lol.. just test again in two days.. hopefully good news for u.. 🤗